What's the psychology of good business?

Eudo brings science to business, adapting applicable evidence-based psychology to the needs of your organization and workplace.



Lay the foundations for creativity and innovation in your workplace.

  • While we may never know exactly where novel ideas originate, we do understand the culture, dynamics and approach that best give rise to creativity.

  • In a global market that’s faster-paced than ever before, the organisations that will swim will be those that innovate ahead of the bell-curve and have good creative intelligence (CQ)

  • Lay the groundwork for creativity to flourish in your workplace with our course, “Think Like Da Vinci: Foundations of Creativity”


Outstanding leaders are those who can take a broad systemic perspective.

  • In an environment of increasing complexity, leadership is less individualised and more process-based.

  • Re-conceptualise leadership from being outstanding individuals to highly functional, interacting networks and teams. See Cisco’s “Leadership Cloud” as an example.

  • Develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and creative intelligence (CQ) in your leadership teams.

  • Negotiate complexity with our course “Systemic Leadership for Complex Times”


High-performing teams are more than the sum of their parts

  • Develop high-performing teams through the lens of sports and performance psychology.
  • Learn the norms, culture and interactional properties of outstanding teams, and recognise that having outstanding individuals is not a requisite for a great team.
  • Create high-performing teams to meet diverse challenges with our course “The Web: Dynamic, High-Performing Teams”